Bearing Forth a New World

Becoming Mystical Mothers this Advent Season

We are all meant to be mothers of God. What good is it to me if this eternal birth of the divine Son takes place unceasingly but does not take place within myself? And what good is it to me if Mary is full of grace if I am not also full of grace? What good is it to me for the Creator to give birth to his Son if I also do not give birth to him in my time and my culture? This, then, is the fullness of time. When the Son of God is begotten in us.
—Meister Eckhart

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Deconstructing the Church, Building and All

Part Eight: Moving from Toxic Beliefs to Transforming Ones

As I have pointed out in this series, the church as we know it is changing. It is being deconstructed, often by people who never use that word, but they know there is something wrong with the church as we know it. Of course, there is also something right with the church, too. The challenge is to leave the wrong and keep the right!

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Four Foundational Beliefs for the Future of Christianity

Part Seven: Moving from Toxic Beliefs to Transforming Ones

For the Christianity of the future, we need and will continue to need to deconstruct old beliefs that have become toxic and no longer serve us. We will also need to reconstruct our religion in healthier ways. Here are four foundational beliefs we can build on that are more loving and in harmony with the life, teachings, and presence of Jesus

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It’s Time for Upgrades – Trading In for Some New Beliefs

Part Six: Moving from Toxic Beliefs to Transforming Ones

Jesus saying he was never a Christian may sound shocking, but it’s true. Jesus was a Hebrew mystical reformer. His religion was Judaism, not Christianity. His followers were not called Christians until much later (Acts 11:26). What today we call “Christianity” did not exist for the first three hundred years after Pentecost. It took a hundred years to separate from Judaism, another hundred to become an institution, and another hundred to define its central doctrines. And today, an increasing number of Jesus’ followers would say Christianity looks less and less like him. I can, in certain contexts, no longer just say, “I’m a Christian” because, as I have shared in this series, conventional Christianity departs so much from being Christ-like. I often say, ”I’m a follower of Jesus.”

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Letting Go of Old, Toxic Beliefs

Part Five: Moving from Toxic Beliefs to Transforming Ones

I believe integral Christianity is more and more a path for a growing number of those who want to remain followers of Jesus in the modern world. Once you enter a stable integral stage of spiritual growth and development, you can access the qualities of that stage. This includes a belief system geared to Jesus’ life and teaching. It produces greater selflessness, integration, and social responsibility. Also, new consciousness, deeper spiritual knowing, and more comprehensive and profound ways of connecting to God and others — virtually any time you want!

Growing up in this way will also change the way you think about things. It can be difficult to let go of beliefs that have been so important to us in the past. But the past in not the direction we’re going! This article and the next two will explore some beliefs that I have let go of, traded in, and find as my new foundational Christian beliefs.

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The Snags & Solutions in Beliefs: Problems in the Creeds

Part Three: Moving from Toxic Beliefs to Transforming Ones

Deconstruction is necessary

I understand the antagonism directed at oppressive, harmful belief systems because I have had my share of that resentment. We may not even be able to become more compassionate without first becoming more angry — angry enough to deconstruct all or parts of previous belief systems that no longer appear truthful or loving to us. That’s the serious message of this cartoon.

After deconstruction is reconstruction, moving to more expansive and compassionate beliefs.

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Learning from the Charismatics

The Three Waves of Modern Charismatic Christianity

Most Christians are either aware of or have been a part of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity of the twentieth century. These theologically conservative groups are reminiscent of the mystical phenomena seen in the book of Acts and identified by what they call the baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, spiritual gifts, healing, prophecy, and exuberant worship.

According to former Fuller Seminary Professor of Church Growth Peter Wagner, there were three waves of charismatic renewal in the twentieth century.

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