Becoming More Than Myself

Part Five: Whole-Body Mystical Presencing

A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. The striving to free oneself from this delusion is the one issue of true religion.   – Albert Einstein

The mystics throughout the ages have attested to the illusion of separateness and the fundamental interconnectedness of life, that we are more than just separate individuals. Scientists are now saying the same thing, as our awareness of quantum reality has broken us out of the boxes of physical materialism and a Newtonian view of the world and universe.

More and more are waking up not only to this knowledge, but also to the experience of this freedom.

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More Signs You Are Waking Up

Part Six: Welcoming Expanded Consciousness/Spirit Into Your Life

In this last part of our series on welcoming expanded consciousness, we continue to briefly explore some signs that signal that we are on the journey of waking up spiritually. Remember, a spiritual awakening is a continuing and highly individual experience; not everyone will go through all these signs. You may want to note which ones apply to your journey.

While these signs can vary from person to person, here are some more common indicators that you may be moving into a state of expanded consciousness.

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How to Tell You Are Waking Up

Part Five: Welcoming Expanded Consciousness/Spirit Into Your Life

Moving into expanded consciousness is a profound and transformative experience that often comes with identifiable signs and shifts in one's perception and awareness. However, we may not always easily recognize them when we are in the midst of such significant changes. 

For the last two parts of this series, we’ll look at sixteen signs you are moving into expanded consciousness.

Remember, a spiritual awakening is a highly individual experience, and not everyone will go through all of these signs. You may want to note which ones apply to your journey. While these signs can vary from person to person, here are some common indicators.

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The Path of Devotion into Expanded Consciousness

Part Four: Welcoming Expanded Consciousness/Spirit Into Your Life

In our context, devotion refers to a deep sense of love, reverence, and commitment to God, a divine presence, person, and cause, such as bringing healing to the people of the world and the earth itself. It can take the form of prayer, meditation, reflection, other spiritual practices and always includes loving service and action. Devotion can be a powerful avenue for expanding consciousness/spirit and deepening one's connection to God.

The first followers of Jesus were devoted to him while he was in their physical realm. Their devotion became even more supercharged with the expansion of their consciousness/spirit at Pentecost and following. They now sang to him as the Living Resurrected Jesus, talked to him, and enjoyed his exhilarating presence in their gatherings. While in trance spirit consciousness, they received messages from Jesus and other spiritual presences of guidance, comfort, encouragement, and strengthening for one another. 

Significantly, within a few years after his resurrection appearances, these first, soon-to-be-called Christians were giving Jesus the same devotion they gave the awesome God of their Jewish faith. 

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Trance State Consciousness in the Bible and Today

Part Two: Welcoming Expanded Consciousness/Spirit Into Into Your Life

The New Testament describes two of the first followers of Jesus entering expanded spirit-consciousness as "falling into a trance," an awakened subtle state of spirit/consciousness. 

In a trance state, Peter heard a message that was to radically shape the emergence of early Christianity from Judaism. Paul received a message concerning his personal safety from harm by those who were persecuting him. We can learn from both these experiences of expanded awareness.

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Welcoming Expanded Consciousness/Spirit Into Your Life

Part One: States of Consciousness in Integral Christianity

What do you think of when you read and hear the term " Spirit"? (Traditionally written with an upper case "S" to make sure (wrongly, in my opinion) that we are thinking about God's spirit and not the human spirit.) 

What do you think of when you read or hear the term "consciousness?" Consciousness is what allows you to be aware of reading this sentence. It has been defined as a complex and multifaceted concept that refers to our subjective awareness and experience of the world and ourselves. This dimension of being human is crucially important because it encompasses our ability to perceive, think, reason, have self-awareness, and connect with spiritual realities. 

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Everyday Consciousness Beyond the Ordinary

Part Three: Whole-Body Mystical Presencing

We have our everyday “ordinary” consciousness, and then we have times when we move into other states of elevated or “more spiritual” consciousness.

Whole-Body Mystical Presencing is a practice to help us to shift from having these peak/peek experiences of mystical awareness we remember or look forward to, and create a new everyday/every moment experience of enlivened consciousness. This “continuously renewed immediacy” is a regular attunement that begins to move our everyday consciousness, our “default” state of being, into a new reality. Into a new way of being.

But it doesn’t happen just by realizing this or learning this concept. We have to re-train and re-pattern our “ordinary” consciousness.

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Is It Possible to Pray Continuously?

Part Two: Whole-Body Mystical Presencing

Whole-Body Mystical Presencing is a practice to enter into the everyday, every moment reality of Christ consciousness. It is a way to welcome and invoke holistic presence at all times, not just in “spiritual” settings or “sacred” places and times. All of life and every moment is sacred. We can presence into this way of being at any time.

Before we get into the specifics of this practice, I want to draw upon some of the Christian heritage for this way of being, along with sharing some of my own story coming to this practice.

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