How to Keep Relationships Healthy
The Drama Triangle
Sometimes we shy away from relationships because they can get messy at times. Who hasn’t experienced a friendship devolving into something painful? We’d like to believe that people devoted to love and prayer don’t have this problem, but that isn’t always the case.
This messiness often comes from a drama with three different roles that we tend to play. I wrote about this four years ago near the beginning of Integral Christian Network because it is an such a helpful understanding about relationships. Called the Drama Triangle, this model reveals dysfunctional interaction originally described by Stephen Karpman. I learned this from him in a workshop forty years ago. It has served me to explain the cycles and patterns of behavior I saw unfold in so many relationships and conversations. It also indicated what we can do to get off the Drama Triangle. There are more nuanced approaches for the professional counselor, but I will give the basics here.
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