Enchanted Becoming
Transformation happens when our learning is infused with intentional processes of becoming.
The new ICN rhythm of Saturday posts has shifted to sharing an article for learning one week, followed the next week by invitations into deeper becoming through spiritual practicing, intentional forms of engaging, and opportunities for integrating into our daily lives.
Our becoming happens personally, communally, and globally as we cultivate transformation through the I, the We, and the All.
Our intention with this new rhythm is to foster an intensification of our mystical practice, deepen our embodied engagement, and support the enactment of life integration for the transformation of ourselves, our neighbors, and the world.
We invite you to consciously and intentionally engage in the following processes for your personal lives, WeSpace groups or other spiritual communities, and global participation.
“Baptized to Life” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
Whole-Body Mystical Activism
Guided Meditation for WeSpace (or personal use)
The following new meditation from Luke Healy is a guided practice primarily for use in a WeSpace group. It can also be used in personal practice as a way of participating collectively in mystical activism:
“Shine Your Light on Me” – image by Dalmo Mendonça
Personal Reflection & Intentions
Continuing Mystical Activism Going Forward
As we conclude this series on Mystical Activism, we invite you to reflect on what you’ve learned, what practices have emerged for you, and what intentions you might set for the future.
What practice or area of Mystical Activism has resonated with you the most over these last months? Write or reflect on why they have resonated and what they have called forth in you.
What aspects of Mystical Activism have you found most challenging? Do you feel any need for a personal response or deepening process with these areas? Write or reflect on this.
Is there any intention you feel drawn to set that would encourage and help your ongoing practice in this way? If so, write out your intention or prayer to guide you in the days ahead.
Is there any action or endeavor you feel stirred to bring forth in the spirit of WeCreating in your local community or in ICN? If so, set the intention and share about it with those who might share in the process of co-creating.
Embodied Mystical Activism with Enchantment
Integrated Wholeness with All
“We find that the mystical is enchanting in an even more intense way. It is then that we, according to Jesus, hold the potential to unite the world, rather than divide it.”
In mystical activism, we enter into enchanted reality in order to help heal and transform the world. As we further become united with nature, with one another, and with ourselves, we enter into the integrated reality of the whole which has the power to unite the world.
This is why each of our articles are now followed with a “becoming” invitation like this one. We must practice, engage, and integrate into the enchanted, unified wholeness of God. In so doing, we bring together heaven and earth in this now.
This includes the I, the We, and the All. It includes awakening to our four centers and practicing embodied mysticism in a holistic way.
With the intention of integration, we invite you to consider where you might be drawn to grow more in enchantment. Of the four centers, which area is beckoning in you for deeper awareness and participation? Over the next two months, we’ll be engaging with each of the centers, giving opportunities for further practice and engagement.
Of the I, the We, and the All, which area is beckoning in you for deeper enchanted engagement? What might this look like in your life and in community?
Of the Three Faces of God, where are you being invited in the divine dance to flow now?
May the everywhere glory of the Infinite Face of God
light our every step.
May the friendship of the Intimate Face of God
wrap us in love’s arms.
May the peace of the Inner Face of God
flow from within us like rivers of living water.
In all we are and all we do,
may our lives be for the loving evolution of Christianity and the world.
All Images are open-source, used with permission, or created by ICN