WeCreating with the Breath of Life
Transformation happens when our learning is infused with intentional processes of becoming.
Each week, following an ICN article, we offer invitations into deeper becoming—spiritual practices, ways of engagement, and opportunities for life integration. This rhythm seeks to intensify our mystical practice, deepen our embodied engagement, and call forth greater transformation in ourselves, our communities, and the world—the I, the We, and the All.
We invite you to consciously and intentionally engage in the following processes for your personal lives, WeSpace groups or other spiritual communities, and global participation.
Breathing into Our Communal Life
A We-Practice of Sacred Interflow with the Breath
Learning to live into the shift from I to We, we deepen into our communal abiding. Rather than a separate individual only receiving and taking in, we integrate the necessary inflow into our personal lives with a greater attending to the felt-sense awareness of our We-nature, our mystical interbeing. We move in the interflow of communal life energetically and spiritually.
Our most fundamental rhythm of physical being guides us in this pattern: the breath. Every inhale is an inflow, and every exhale is not just a release from our personal body into empty space, but a giving back to nature, to the world, to life. Every breath we take is shared with all of creation, as we partake in a fundamental rhythm that pulses as the cosmic and communal breath of life.
The following We-practice invites us into our shared communal breath, where we can attune to the presence and flow of life within and between us. We can let our breath move in and through us, guiding us into our embodied awareness of our communal interflow, which is an act of our divine becoming in and as the mystical body of Christ together.
(This practice can be done online as well as in-person, as our co-participation in the breath of life is not bound by proximity and physical space)
Communal Breath of Life – Practice Invitation
1. Setting the Intention
In a WeSpace group or other communal setting, set the intention to enter into a shared breath practice of communal interflow.
"We open to the interflow of life, attuning to our breath as a shared rhythm with all that is."
2. Breathing Through the Whole-Body
Settling Into the Natural Rhythm
We begin with stillness, allowing each of us to settle into our breath naturally.
"We rest in silence, feeling the breath find its own gentle rhythm."
Rooting in the Feet
Bring awareness to the breath moving up through the feet.
"With each inhale, we draw up through the base of our feet, rising through our bodies.
With each exhale, we entrust ourselves into the support of the earth."
Opening the Head
Bring awareness to the breath flowing into your head through your nose.
"With each inhale, we welcome newness and clearing into our mind.
With each exhale, we release into openness and letting go."
Awakening the Heart
Bring awareness to the breath entering our chest and filling the heart space.
"With each inhale, our hearts open to the sacred pulse of life.
With each exhale, we soften into heartful, loving presence.”
Entering the Womb
Bring awareness to the breath drawing deep down in our belly, into the space of our spiritual womb.
"With each inhale, we sink down into the depth of our divine uniqueness.
With each exhale, welcome the arising of our truest being.”
Holistic Presence
Feel your breath flowing and present throughout your entire body, your whole being.
“We breath into and from our whole being in holistic inner attunement.
We breathe through the sacred interflow of life in our awakened spirit-breath consciousness."
3. Entering into Communal Breath
Breathing With & Through the We
As we continue, we sense the breath moving between us—not separate, but interwoven. We become aware of the reciprocity of breath—giving and receiving.
"With each inhale, we receive the breath of life shared among us.
With each exhale, we offer our unique breath into the communal living presence.With each breath, we join in the sacred rhythm of life itself.
We feel the breath as a current, moving between and through us."
4. Entraining into Communion
Tuning to the Collective Breath
We do not need to synchronize; we simply attune to the natural co-regulating breath emerging between us.
"Our breath finds its way into harmony, flowing in its own sacred cadence."
Attuning to Resonance
We notice the subtle energetic presence of our communal breath and being emerging in the shared space.
"We welcome the gentle resonance forming within and around us.
We are held in a rhythm greater than ourselves, in the living breath of communion."
5. Breathing as a Collective Presence
Becoming the Breath Together
We release attention from our personal breathing, resting in the shared field of breath.
"We are breathed by life itself, our breath flowing in one great current of presence."
Welcoming the Larger Breath of Life
Our awareness expands beyond the immediate space, sensing the vast interflow of breath in all of creation.
"We open to the cosmic Breath of Life, moving through and beyond us.
We are part of the sacred rhythm that unites all beings, carried in the heartbeat of the universe."
6. Opening into WeSpace
Resting in the Whole
We allow a period of stillness, simply being with the breath.
"We rest in the wholeness of breath, the rhythm of life holding us, sustaining us, creating us.
In our sacred breath of being, we are becoming ever more."
Receiving What Arises
We open to any impressions, insights, or felt senses emerging in the space.
"We receive what is given, held in the sacred exchange of our communal presence here and now."
Practice this with a Guided Meditation Recording:
If you’d like to guide this practice yourself for your WeSpace group or other setting, you can use this resource for reference.
Inflow & Outflow in our Personal, Daily Lives
Whole-Body Mystical Presencing Breath Mantra to Integrate Creative Communion in our Lives
Breath is not only a physical function but also a gateway to spiritual presence. Even in solitude, our breath is never alone. We are breathed by life itself. Many mystical traditions use breath in tandem with sacred words or phrases to bring the heart, mind, and spirit into deeper attunement with Divine Presence. This practice invites you to integrate your breath with a simple sacred phrase, opening you to the ever-present flow of WeCreating within and beyond.
As we attune to the breath of life, we might allow ourselves to be open to receiving a sacred phrase that can accompany us throughout the week—a breath mantra in tune with the sacred arising from deep within. This phrase is not chosen by the mind but received from the depths of our being, offering both a reminder of divine presence and an invitation to sacred action.
Perhaps in conjunction with the communal practice above, set the intention to receive a word or phrase. Open to receiving this with your inbreath. On each exhale, release any feeling of expectation or forcefulness. Continue breathing until an inner arising of spirit gives your sacred word or phrase for the week.
Integrate the mantra into your daily life and regular breath.
Let the first part of the phrase or the first word come with your inbreath, welcoming divine inflow, receptivity, presence.
Let the second part of the phrase, the next word, or silence express through the outbreath. It may even just be a simple outflow of intention to live through and from the sacred word and divine presence in action, connection, or embodiment.
For example:
Inhale—Receive the Breath of Life
Exhale—Offer Love to the World
Hold and practice this breath mantra throughout the days and moments this week, however often you think of the words to go along with your breath.
When you aren’t thinking of the words consciously, trust that your breath is always carrying this intention and prayer in ever-present awareness and divine love.
Living in the Ever-Present Breath of Life
Holistic Attending to Our Spheres of Influence
So then how do we live?
“Spheres of Influence” refers to the areas of our lives we can make an impact through our presence and actions. As we seek to integrate spiritual practices and learnings into our everyday lives, we are invited to consider how these lessons, practices, and ways of being can influence the world around us.
We invite you to consciously reflect on how you might embody WeCreating in your life—in your local community, online spaces, or throughout the mystical cosmos.
As we breathe and create together, we are invited to let these experiences ripple into our everyday lives, to let the breath of life continue to guide our becoming.
1. Personal Sphere (I):
Whether using a mantra from the practice above, or just as a general intention to hold amidst your daily life attention and presence, consider reflecting with the following questions:
How can I attune more deeply to the breath of life moving through me with nourishment and creativity in any and all of the moments in my day?
Where am I being called to trust the unknown and release or exhale what is no longer for me now?
2. Relational Sphere (We):
Especially after partaking in the communal breath practice above, consider how you might continue to participate in the sacred interflow as you’re present in the midst of other spheres and spaces:
How might I foster a deeper sense of shared breathing and presence into other relationships in my life?
In what ways can I be present and attuned with the WeSpace around me, moving in responsive intake and necessary outflow to both embrace and release with wisdom?
3. Global Sphere (All):
Consider how you might breath into greater participation and awareness through your interwoven presence through the vast web of life:
How can I become more attuned to the rhythms of giving and receiving in the collective breath of creation? How might I be drawn to expand into cosmic breath in greater participation with the divine movements of the universe?
In what ways am I being invited to exhale my gifts into the world as part of love’s unfolding flow?
All Images are open-source, used with permission, or created by ICN